@99Declaration The link you provided is of no use. We don't have an admin login to your site so we can't access it.
Your issue has nothing to do with the original posters issue and is not related to the license key. Anytime you have a support issue you should create your own support request rather than replying to an existing support issue, especially one that is almost a year old and has already been resolved.
Please start a new support forum topic with this information by creating a new post. When creating the post, along with the information you already provided please also answer the following questions which we'd need to know...
- You mentioned you moved from one domain to another. How did you do this? Did you migrate the database from one server to another? Did you not move the database and this is simply a different site that you are installing Gravity Forms on? We would need details on what you mean by this.
- When you say you can't make any changes. Does that mean you can't edit an existing form and then edit the individual fields? I'm not referring to saving your changes, i'm referring to being able to edit the fields and make changes before saving.
- When you say you can't add new forms. Same as above. Does this mean your new form simply won't save or does it mean you can't add new fields to even get to the point where you could save?
Posted 13 years ago on Friday December 30, 2011 |