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Quiz add-on question field styling

  1. I have a feature request and a bug report (a minor one) for the Quiz add-on:

    Feature request: it would be great if we could use basic styling in question fields e.g. italics for certain words. At the moment that doesn't appear to be possible, and using em tags doesn't work (the tag displays as part of the question).

    Bug report: When I am editing the Confirmation message and I opt to switch forms, the Quiz add-on switches to the different form and creates a new Confirmation message instead of opening the existing one. However it isn't obvious that a new Confirmation message has been created, and this can be confusing.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday May 3, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Thanks Tracey, I will forward this to the developer of the quiz add-on.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday May 6, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Hi Tracey. I heard back from the development team:

    We do not allow html in the field titles. If you want to use html in the choices for radio buttons or checkboxes,you can use this hook which has an example of exactly how to do that: . HTML in drop downs, multi-selects are not supported with this hook.

    For the confusing/bug question: The odd behavior when selecting Switch Form while on the form settings, notifications, or confirmation pages is being worked as a bug. The code will be changed so that when in the settings, notifications, or confirmation pages, and selecting Switch Form, the user will be taken back to the root settings page for that form. No timeline on when it will be done.

    Thank you for your questions.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday May 10, 2013 | Permalink

  4. Posted 11 years ago on Sunday June 16, 2013 | Permalink