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Redirected to a Request page after submitting a form

  1. Hello, i have use GF Form with User Registration Add-on.
    I have Some query so plz let me know if it possible with GF.

    1) i have Some courses on my website.when user want to buy this course at that time i have check if the user is login then its work else i want to redirect on User register page that work i have done. now when the user fill the new user Register Form after submit i want to Redirect on same course page which url parameter i have send when page redirect on the User register page..

    Is it possible with GF ..?

    Thnaks for your support and help.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 12, 2013 | Permalink
  2. You will need to pass the URL somehow from the page they are on to the registration page, then pass it again to the confirmation redirect on the registration form. If you post URLs to the pages on your site where the forms exist, we can give more specific advice.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 12, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Hello,
    Thank-you For the reply,
    Let me explain to you what i have problem.

    I have on Course page where the course listing occur's. There are on course with the name of BCA. now when the user will click on the BCA course. the bca page will be open .. now at there BOOK NOW button available. Now if the user is login in my site the the page will redirect to paypal else user will redirect to register page.

    My course page url is:

    when the user will redirect to register page if i have send the last page url also"%2Fcardiology%2Fcourses%2F%3Fcourse%3DMTEx"

    Now when the user will fill the form and submit it i wana to redirect to user on "?redirect" page.

    can u plz help me for fix this issue ..??

    Thnaks for your support and help.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 14, 2013 | Permalink
  4. When the user is logged in, it sounds like this is working fine for you? It's when you add the additional step in to register that you don't want to lose them, after registration and want them to continue on to the original URL? Is that correct?

    If so, then when the user is redirected to the registration page, you need to pass their final URL along with the form submission. Then, use that URL for the confirmation redirect for the registration form. That will put them at their original destination, even though they stopped at the registration form along the way.

    Check out this sample form:

    You can changed "dest=" to whatever URL you want. That is where the visitor will be redirected after registration. That is the type of link you would use when you send the visitor to the registration page. Use a hidden field which is set to "Allow field to be populated dynamically" and give it a parameter name (I used dest). Then, use that merge tag for the URL for your confirmation redirect. In my form, the redirect URL for the confirmation is {Destination:9} (field 9 is my hidden field with a name of "Destination" and a parameter name of "dest".

    I used 'dest' instead of 'redirect' but the rest of the procedure is the same.

    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday March 17, 2013 | Permalink
  5. Thank you very much for your reply. Its really help full for me.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 19, 2013 | Permalink
  6. You're welcome.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink

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