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Reduce CSS file size - separate style sheets based on features in use

  1. The CSS forms.css file is massive at 80k / ~70k minified.

    I think having separate stylesheets that are enqueued based on features in use would make so much more sense that having to use the one huge one every time.

    I am not suggesting a separate stylesheet for each feature (which would cause unwanted HTTP requests), but perhaps progressively more "complete" stylesheets, starting with a "light" version for sites that are just using basic forms. The next one could be basic plus conditional, etc. that way there is still always just one stylesheet being loaded.

    That forms.css CSS file is 1.5x - 2x larger than the entire CSS file(s) for most sites I work on.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday April 2, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Thank you for the suggestion. I will bring it to the attention of the development team.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday April 2, 2013 | Permalink

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