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Removing AWeber

  1. I have removed Aweber completely from my wordpress installation, and have installed mailchimp. I have added mailchimp to my form, and when I submit my form it is still trying to access aweber for some reason, and it brings me to an aweber site saying the fields are missing.

    I have deleted mailchimp and re-added, and also deleted the form and built and entirely new one. How do I get rid of any traces of the aweber add-on without resorting to completely removing gravity forms plugin?

    my site is the subscribe link.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 16, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, cjanusa,

    Do you have another plugin installed that passes information along to Aweber? Another thing you can check is to see if the ...\plugins\gravityformsaweber folder exists. This is the folder for Gravity Forms' Aweber Add-On. If you have completely removed Aweber then this folder will not exist and there would be no way for Gravity Forms to attempt to pass info along to Aweber. Check that out and let us know if you are still having issues and we can dig deeper.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 21, 2012 | Permalink

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