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Resend Notification: Pre-set List of Recipients

  1. We have certain confidential reports that are to be seen by a handful of institutional VPs who are not administrators, but to whom we've given the ability to view Gravity Forms entries and make notes. Certain VPs get to see certain entries depending on the very human judgment of the admin (nothing that the form can determine through conditional logic or routing). The admin currently has the option to Resend Notifications by typing in a comma-separated list of emails. It would be nice if there could be a pre-determined list of recipients that the admin could check off. This would simplify the process for people who don't know the emails for the forward, provide more centralized control over the people who get to see the entries, and keep a record in the database of the people to whom it was sent.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 10, 2011 | Permalink