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Retrieving from step x on a multi step form

  1. Hello,

    Just wondering if it is possible to get information which was entered in step 1 of a form to appear in step 2/3. For example: step one includes radios with images assigned to them. In step 2/3 which ever button they clicks on will show the image they chose...?

    Plus is it possible to add some custom JQuery to the form. For example for the file upload can we add some custom jquery which alows the user to preview the image they uploaded.

    If the above is possible will I be able to integrate it into WooCommerce with the Gravity form plugin?



    Posted 11 years ago on Friday May 10, 2013 | Permalink
  2. You can display information which was captured one page one, on a subsequent page using jQuery to populate those later form fields.

    You can add jQuery to your Gravity Forms. You can use the gform_enqueue_scripts filter to do that:

    Regarding Woocommerce, there is no specific integration done on our end. Woocommerce has a Gravity Forms add-on which is supposed to facilitate this integration. Here is the link to the add-on (not provided, supported or endorsed by us):

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday May 13, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Hello Chris,

    Thank you for getting back to me. I guess that with the developer version of Gravity forms there is support for me to follow this up further? Also the ability to use JQuery in the form is carried onto WooCommerse. add-on? I'm going to ask a similar question on their forum as well.

    Thanks again,


    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday May 14, 2013 | Permalink