Wow, was just searching for the same thing! Search by Tags for-the-win!
The in-depth help/faq section is a little much for the non technical client. If you host a client on multisite, you can tuck it in to the if(current_user_can("install_plugins") on line 451 of gravityforms.php.
Instead of this:
//if(!function_exists("is_multisite") || !is_multisite() || is_super_admin())
add_submenu_page($parent_menu["name"], __("Updates", "gravityforms"), __("Updates", "gravityforms"), $has_full_access ? "gform_full_access" : "gravityforms_view_updates", "gf_update", array("RGForms", "update_page"));
add_submenu_page($parent_menu["name"], __("Add-Ons", "gravityforms"), __("Add-Ons", "gravityforms"), $has_full_access ? "gform_full_access" : "gravityforms_view_addons", "gf_addons", array("RGForms", "addons_page"));
add_submenu_page($parent_menu["name"], __("Help", "gravityforms"), __("Help", "gravityforms"), $has_full_access ? "gform_full_access" : $min_cap, "gf_help", array("RGForms", "help_page"));
You'd do this:
//if(!function_exists("is_multisite") || !is_multisite() || is_super_admin())
add_submenu_page($parent_menu["name"], __("Updates", "gravityforms"), __("Updates", "gravityforms"), $has_full_access ? "gform_full_access" : "gravityforms_view_updates", "gf_update", array("RGForms", "update_page"));
add_submenu_page($parent_menu["name"], __("Add-Ons", "gravityforms"), __("Add-Ons", "gravityforms"), $has_full_access ? "gform_full_access" : "gravityforms_view_addons", "gf_addons", array("RGForms", "addons_page"));
add_submenu_page($parent_menu["name"], __("Help", "gravityforms"), __("Help", "gravityforms"), $has_full_access ? "gform_full_access" : $min_cap, "gf_help", array("RGForms", "help_page"));
That said, I don't advocate changing core code. I think Carl's hand would come out of the monitor and slap us across the face if we did.
I'll think of a better way...
Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday June 28, 2011 |