PLEASE NOTE: These forums are no longer utilized and are provided as an archive for informational purposes only. All support issues will be handled via email using our support ticket system. For more detailed information on this change, please see this blog post.


  1. Hi -
    I tried to search the forums, but the answer seems to be in the premium member section. Does GravityForms work with shadowbox? ( I would like to purchase, but I want to make sure we are able to integrate as a modal with shadowbox. Thanks.


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 8, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Matt, you should be able to, it looks like you would just need to embed the form on a blank WP page template and call it via an iframe.

    People have used all sorts of javascript modal boxes - of course you know there are many different flavors out there.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 9, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Hi Rob,
    Thanks for the response. Already purchased and working at an integration. The product looks great so far. Thanks!

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 9, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Right on Matt - enjoy!

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 9, 2012 | Permalink

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