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Signature Form Versus Echosign

  1. I think the signature field is amazing, however, I've been wondering if creating an echosign add-on would be more legally efficient, and quite possibly maybe even easier for gravity forms to facilitate, being that echosign already has the .pdf conversion capabilities for webmasters.

    Here is what I've been reading on echosign.

    I'm wondering whether or not I can integrate this into gravity forms?

    While you have to pay for an echosign, the legal protection is well worth it, in my opinion.

    I'm interested to hear what Gravity Forms' opinion on my thoughts about this are. Please chime in guys, I think this might make users of the signature form happier, and quite possibly, your team may have an easier job with an echosign api (or script), since once you create the integration, echosign kinda takes it from there.....or maybe I'm

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 29, 2012 | Permalink
  2. By the way, the only reason that this came to mind is because I have a client that wants online forms that include echosign. I showed him the signature add-on capabilities and he wasn't satisfied with it as an alternative to echosign, simply because of the lack of .pdf conversion and more importantly, the legal recourse that he needs to have with his forms.

    ...just posing some thoughts here...that's all.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 29, 2012 | Permalink
  3. We haven't promoted the signature add-on as a legally binding signature or way of authentication. It simply is what it is, a signature field. In my opinion, it's more of a novelty for most applicatios but I don't know that it can be a legally binding signature or not in it's current incarnation.. thats something more for the end-user to decide based on their needs.

    We can take a look at a possible add-on for Echosign integration in the future. I'm sure there would be plenty of people that would like to see that added as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 29, 2012 | Permalink
  4. @Kevin

    Thanks for taking it into consideration. It's going to make my life much easier once you add that, since I really need it for an idea of mine hint hint

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 29, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Sure, we're always happy to consider new ideas and add-ons. I personally love EchoSign so I know it would probably be a great add-on if we can work it out. I mentioned it to our lead developer earlier so we'll research it and see what we can come up with.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday March 29, 2012 | Permalink
  6. Thanks Kevin's gotta stick together!

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday April 6, 2012 | Permalink
  7. Theorian82

    I've looked into Echosign, but apart from the PDF capabilities, how is it any more legal than electronically signing your signature using this add on? Just curious if anyone has any legal experience with eSigs and their limitations?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday April 17, 2012 | Permalink
  8. @Theorian82:

    Here are the main differences that I can see...for what they are worth.

    1.) Echosign tracks the IP and the email address of the user and is held by a 3rd PARTY (this is actually bigger than it sounds). Basically this means that you have reputable witness with physical evidence that has nothing to gain from your claim if you were to make one, whereas the gravityforms signature box is all saved within your own database (which you can manipulate), thus making it's credibility invalid.

    2.) If you used Echosign, the truth is that if someone signed from a library computer without logging into that computer with identification, they could easily say "it wasn't me", on the other hand, if someone signed from their home computer and the subpoena to their ISP proved that it was, in fact, their personal IP address, you have some valid evidence.

    Other than that, they are both garbage. However, it also is worth mentioning that you can always say "I have your signature via EchoSign which is on record with Adobe, one of the world's largest and most respected software companies, you cannot deny that you agreed to this."

    As stated numerous times in this forum, Gravity Forms built the esig more as a novelty than anything else, however, I will admit that an EchoSign would be amazing. I tried to implement Echosign with manual forms, but echosign is pdf based and doesn't do a redirect after the signature (which I need). Implementing an EchoSign plugin into gravity forms would be seriously amazing, though I don't know if EchoSign would allow it since their M.O. is to attach their EchoSign module to an actual .pdf, whereas we need it attached to our personalized non-.pdf forms.

    I hope that helps clear things up a bit.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday April 19, 2012 | Permalink
  9. It seems like a PDF export option that allowed for fields from GF to populate an existing PDF would do the trick, then the Echosign plugin would only need to pull that pre-filled PDF into Echosign for a signature. The end user could fill out a GF form then click "Sign" and the PDF would generate, pop up in Echosign and you're done.
    I'm sure I'm oversimplifying, but seems like it could work.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 6, 2012 | Permalink

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