Hi All,
I've started to experiment with the signature add-on for a private client portal. The objective is to allow logged-in users (my clients) to review purchase orders and creative proofs, and give approval via digital signature as opposed to downloading, signing and faxing or scanning the docs back to me.
So far I've created a simple form for approval of a creative proof, with the image added in an HTML field with prettyPhoto (for full-screen preview). Below the HTML field is a radio field with two options - "This is Approved" and "Changes Required". If the first radio is selected, three additional fields display below - simple name field and date filed (inline) and the signature field below. These three fields are controlled by conditional logic based on the radio selection.
On the front end, the signature container does not display and just loads an empty block, and a script debug returns a SCRIPT#5009 error that SuperSignature is undefined. My theme is running jQuery 1.7.2 - from the page source:
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js?ver=3.4.1'></script>
My header also loads jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.min, jquery.animate-colors-min, jquery.backstretch.min, prettyPhoto, gmap3.min and a custom.js to control mapping and navigation funcitons. Also, I'm currently using Gravity v1.6.4.5.
I'd like to be able to share a link can't since this is a private client-only portal. Given what I've provided above, does anyone have thoughts or suggestions on implemenitng a fix?
Thanks in advance!