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Single User Registration Form for access to multiple GF Forms

  1. Hello,

    Currently, I have 7 user registration forms for 7 different GF forms. Each form requires the user to be logged in before that person can access the respective GF form. My question: Rather than having 7 different USER REGISTRATION FORMS, how can I have this set up so that I can have ONE (1) User Registration form and allow the person access to the respective GF form upon selecting an associated item from a dropdown menu?

    For example, the user is completing the User Registration form and selects "auto" from a dropdown menu. Upon manually approving the user's access credentials, they will then be able to access the "auto" GF form.

    If another person is completing the User Registration form and selects "home" from the a dropdown menu, then they will be able to access the "home" GF form upon approval.

    I hope I didn't confuse anyone. Your help and suggestions would be much appreciated.

    All the best.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday June 11, 2013 | Permalink