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Slight tweaks to GF, Paypal, User Reg, PDF Extended (make them all play nice)

  1. LCroonquist

    I have GF and two addons installed and working.

    I am trying to create a nice chain between the GF form, Paypal payment gateway, User Registration and PDF extended (3rd party).

    I am sure this can be written in an hour and some by an experienced GF coder.

    I want you to create a lorem ipsum (light, light, light) version of what I want and pass the filters/actions or tweaks to me so I can paste them in.
    GF and the addons pretty much already do everything, I just kind of need to have them communicate a little between each other (mainly passing the entry data and timing when to trigger this info sharing etc).

    More details about the project to interested parties.
    I think I can even x-mind it for you to visually see what I want to go down :)

    Thank you so much!

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday February 10, 2013 | Permalink

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