Hello, I love gravityforms and there is one thing that ought to make me think this is the best thing in the world: Can you please try to put a little calculation function. Let me explain. You currently have the conditional logic. and I can say display if all or any of the parameters are true. What would be even better is if you add the following little thing (let me try to explain with my little English):
Take an HTML field which is the end of a questionnaire and which will be display or not depending on the filled in fields above. The HTML field will show as a result the advice based on the answers above. There are various HTML fields at the end because there could be various advices depending on the answers. Well that's all already there because I could select the conditionals for each of the Advices and then it will be displayed or not...
Make at the top of the conditional something that says "Total of 'trues lines' > or < [ enter a number ]". This will be a third option instead of the "all" and "any" ... What will it do? For each lines which can be added as a conditional line it will now just count the true statements. If the true statements are bigger than the number entered behind the total of 'true lines' then this HTML field will be displayed.
I know you have deferred mathematical functions not to be provided in the gravity forms so far but should you add this one then your forms can work as an advisory tool. If you want I can draft you an example to explain further. Let me know what you think? Would be super great if you can work this out and I shall guarantee you that we will implement this on a music magazine in Germany. :-).
Thank you very much!!!!