Original Topic:
I wanted to reply to Carl because I'm not sure he quite understood.
I was asking if there was something similar to gform_post_submission. With this I'm able to step in at the time the form is submitted and run any code my heart desires. I was simply looking for something that will allow me to run code at any step interval.
"You wouldn't have anywhere to store it...."
How is that so? With gform_post_submission I am forwarding the form data to a 3rd party database where its stored. I can surely run the same code to store partial data to my 3rd party db, only if there was a hook for steps in a form.
Is there no possibility of this being included? I guarantee you would make atleast 50% of GravityForm customers happy. It would be a huge feature to flash around.
Partial Data can be so important, I'm not about to go into how critical it can be to store this data, just know that if you are marketing online and you are not saving partial data, you are missing out on many opportunities.
Surely you would like to save step1 of a form which includes Name/Email, right?
If that person never completes the form, then you have lost this initial lead data. So you can never re-approach that prospect.
Don't get me wrong, GF is AWESOME but it can be better and do more especially in this instance. :)