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Survey and Facebook Connect

  1. Rics

    Hi, before purchasing i would like to know if it's possible this scenario for a wordpress website created only for register users and then give them, after registration, the possibility to complete a survey created with gravity forms.

    The first step would be to open the front page where both manual registration and Facebook connect will be available as registration options for the user.

    After registration a redirect will bring the user to the survey created with Gravity Forms: the survey must associate for each user his seurvey results and his personal data retrieved by the registration or the facebook connect registration.

    The survey could not be done if the user isn't registered.

    I've to collect for each user his registration data and his survey results.

    Is that possible with gravity forms?
    I've seen the Survey addon, that could make possible the survey creation if i don't get wrong, but i don't know if it's possible to associate with the survey all the data retrieved by a registration with facebook connect.

    Thanks for the support.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 3, 2013 | Permalink
  2. First step: Gravity Forms is not integrated with Facebook Connect for login or registration

    Once your visitor logs in, you can direct them to your form.

    Again, Facebook Connect integration is not a feature of Gravity Forms, so this part will not be possible:

    the survey must associate for each user his seurvey results and his personal data retrieved by the registration or the facebook connect registration.

    You can force a user to be logged in before they can complete your survey. It won't be visible to them unless they are logged in, if you configure it that way.

    Additionally, yes, I would recommend the Survey add-on for your project, but Facebook Connect integration is not included in Gravity Forms.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday June 4, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Rics

    Thanks for the reply Chris.
    Yes, i know that Facebook connect isn't a GF feature, probably i explained wrong: what i need is to associate the compiled survey data with a user, can GF associate every compiled survey to each single user that did the survey?
    Can GF limit to 1 survey per user?

    If GF then could associate the compiled survey to a user by his ID or email then i could retrieve all the user data if the user registered his account using facebook connect (facebook connect provided from another plugin of course, not GF).

    Last thing: can be stored the referer link? I mean, the user comes from a specific link with a parameter to differentiate that link from others, if i get that referer via php, can i store the value with the survey data on the DB?

    I know that i will need some coding manipulation on themplates and on functions.php, i'm aware of this, i'm only asking if there are assumptions to make my customizations to obtaining what i need.

    Thank you!

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday June 4, 2013 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    Gravity Forms doesn't associate entries with users. You can use the following tutorial to limit to one submission per IP per time period -

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday June 4, 2013 | Permalink
  5. A77

    But at least, the survey addon, saves each survey as separate?
    Or it puts all the results of all the surveys toghether?

    If it saves each survey separately on the DB, i could add an hidden field that gets the current_user_id as my survey will be available only to registered/logged in users.

    How the survey addon saves the survey data on the DB?

    I hope that each survey is saved separately...

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday June 5, 2013 | Permalink