Hello there,
what I need is an app that, based on numeric values loaded from a gf forms, enables user to draw a furnished plan.
They first select furniture quantity in a form, and then step to an interface where they find an empty plan (assigned by admin from backend, and different for each user) and all the icons of items they've selected placed in a sort of "shelf". Users should thus be able to drag, drop and rotate items moving those from the "shelf" to the plan. Should dispose those as they wish, save distribution, and later be able to edit it. They might be able to zoom and pan too.
I imagined to employ svg or images with jquery, but any other option you can propose me (flash too) may certainly be a wiser choice. I'm a designer, not a coder!
I'll off course provide more details and ui sketches upon request.
Please contact me at: ftosi [at] ghigos [dot] com
Thanks everyone for attention and have a nice day!
Francesco Tosi