Hi There,
I am looking at making a form that acts as a "template chooser" for print work that we do & want to know if GF would be able to do the following :
Step 1 : Client chooses a back ground colour with a colourpicker (red, blue, green. It is about 10 different colours, but I would like to be able to display it as well...)
Step 2 : Client chooses the design "effect" for example a bubble effect over the chosen colour.
Step 3 : Client chooses from a list of 5 fonts & say what they would like to be written on the design (for example "Happy Birthday")
Step 4 : Client see a example of how it would look all put together? (Even if the text that they entered is not displayed, that would be ok, just sample text in the correct font choice would be fine.
Your help would be greatly appreciated...
(Sorry and how would you add a picture to a "product")