Hello, I've made another post about the all_fields tag, and the answer I was given was to either modify the plugin code, or to modify my theme code, or to create a child theme, all just so that I could embed this tiny bit of code somewhere that would override the output of the all_fields tag and cause it to output plain text instead of HTML.
It's nice to have a solution, but it's awful to have a solution that either causes lots of extra work or that can silently disappear with an update.
What would make more sense, I think, might be a new tag, like {all_fields_textonly}, maybe. It seems like this would be a really quick fix and would eliminate the need for any modifications.
I suppose the "next up" solution would be a plugin for the plugin that does the same thing? Still seems like a lot of work for such a small feature, though.
Thanks in advance,