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Text180 and Gravity Forms

  1. Looking for someone who may be able to tie in to the text 180 api with gravity forms.. Create a new client with gravity forms.... Check authentication against keyword availability ect...

    Here is their api...

    I would have a reseller account with text180

    Goal.. Create Gravity Form to automate the whole sign up process of creating a client for a free trial on the minimum plan through the reseller account. The test message campaign would be created based on the form submission. They would then get an email with their login and pass and the campaign would already be set up..

    Client could then upgrade to paid account through buttons on my site after the 30 days if possible with there api..

    I was going to just embedd their backend to my site via iframe

    Contact me @

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 17, 2012 | Permalink

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