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TIME response, asap please: specific multisite registration needs

  1. petergal

    Creating a multisite enviroment and need to have a lot of custom form entries so it looks like your plugin may be the way to go if its quickly configurable... BUT

    do you know if it can handle anything like hooking into other plugins, to for example, upload a logo, set the theme, and set a users facebook info, etc?

    please let me know as soon as possible because i have to get this up for a client!

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday November 23, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Yes, there are hooks and functions built in to Gravity Forms that will allow you to capture any of that data. You can store it in whatever format your other plugins need, or you can hook into those plugin's functions to carry out whatever processing you need.

    If you link to one of those plugins or functionality, or explain one of the scenarios completely, we can help show you how to do it.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 24, 2011 | Permalink
  3. petergal

    thank you so much, i will reply here within 1 or 2 days with any specifics after we purchase and install the form. (or where should i make such support inquiries?)
    thanks again, really appreciate the quick response and professional support!

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 24, 2011 | Permalink
  4. petergal

    ok, were really looking if we actually need this plugin and how it can help so pelase let me know the following:

    besides the normal registration info they need to put in more name info, phone, address, etc. AND choose a password themselves (no checking email)

    we need for a registering user to be able to choose a logo and pick the color of their theme (like the theme option in Twentyeleven theme, or basically choose a childtheme)

    we also need to allow them to create 2 pages that will go into the menu.

    and also need to create a page (or send the info somewhere for a page to pull) with the users name, address, phone, etc.

    and the grand finallie would be facebook integration but we are not yet sure how that will work.

    we also thought that these things i mention *could* be in a form after the initial registration, but it would have to apear as if the registration is still going on.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 24, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Regarding normal registration, name, phone, address, etc, that can all be captured in your form.

    Regarding picking their theme? How will this work? Will you present them with a list of available themes? Radio buttons? Screenshots? And then, what HAPPENS with that information? Why did you ask them for it? How will you set their theme?

    RE: creating pages to go into the menu. You can do this. You can create PAGES rather than posts. But they will have to submit a new form, twice. The form submission can create one post. I think it makes sense to have that happen after the registration. But you could create one post based on the first registration form submission. Then they will have to fill out another form to create a second page. It can be accomplished, but you will need to determine how it works easiest for the visitor.

    RE: creating a profile page like that. This is not built in the Gravity Forms. You can extend the user's profile, using the data that Gravity Forms captured, or you can use a 3rd part plugin, not created by Gravity Forms, to display submissions as a sort of directory. That plugin is dependent on you already having installed Gravity Forms. This is the plugin. Please see if it will meet your needs.

    RE: I am not sure what you need for Facebook integration.

    Overall, remember that Gravity Forms can capture ANY information you need. It's up to you to use it by integrating with your theme, or additional plugins, or additional code. Gravity Forms does one thing very well: it captures form data. The rest is up to you.

    Please continue asking questions so we can get closer to what you need. Thank you.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 24, 2011 | Permalink