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Top notch form plugin with premium support

  1. I hope any potential purchasers of this form plugin are able to see this forum.

    This is definitely a must have for any WordPress website developer. I needed their services after using a very popular contact form plugin for over a year and a half. Paypal integration was a must and the options are pretty much zero with free plugins.

    After working with the form for a couple of hours I couldn't imagine going back. It is a very straight-forward plugin and there is a ton of documentation on any problems that might run into.

    Moreover, the support is ridiculous. Before I purchased, I had reservations and wanted to make sure it was worth the money. But everything I thought I could ask beforehand was answered within minutes of me asking it on their "pre-purchase forum" and before I knew it I had already bought the plugin.

    If you want a firsthand testimonial, I had a form that I had to have completed in three days that involved PayPal integration. I started at not knowing anything about the plugin, to producing the form in two days. I read a lot of the provided documentation, but still ran into a couple of problems. The support team is the fastest in the business and I worked with one guy in particular ( Rob Harrell ) one-on-one until the form was perfect. This guy was emailing me personally minute by minute guiding me through and even dabbling into the form himself once or twice.

    For anybody that is looking for a great form plugin but is hesitant to pay the money, ask yourself this: How many forms do you build in a given year ... I know I build 20-30 sites a year at my work, and this plugin has paid for itself after the first use. It is hard to put a monetary value on support, but personally, I think it's invaluable, and Gravity Forms functionality, along with their support is a no brainer.

    Thank you guys so much.

    - Gary Upham

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 6, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Gary, thank you for these kind words. I know Rob has seen them but he's too modest to reply here. We appreciate the feedback.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday July 16, 2012 | Permalink

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