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Transitioning php forms from old site

  1. Hi,
    Attempting to transition old php site to word press using gravity forms and need help with some of the hooks to "post" info to a .php page that carries out function. I can get the function working in word press outside of gravity forms (calling up a custom-template page) but not without exposing the url to the php. I think 'redirect' to the php will work but it does not carry the data (4 fields) with it.

    So far I've identified gform_after_submission hook might be what I need but not entirely sure how to set that up based on the example.

    Here's the page with the form that works but redirects to a plain page: (Use seller 071 which is mine)

    Here's the page using a Gravity form with a redirect to but does not carry the data with it:

    I will have other pages like this to transition as well. Can someone help me with these little fixes?

    Thank you,

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 7, 2013 | Permalink

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