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Trying to create a web form for a studio rental facility

  1. Hey Guys!

    I'm creating a website for a production company with a studio rental, the site is running wordpress with catalyst as the theme framework.

    I need to create a page with a calendar that site visitors can use to view studio availabilty and then submit reservations with the ability to place a deposit on the space or pay the whole amount. I also need the ability to auto respond with additional information if nescesary after the order has been placed and ideally add the scheduled time to the calendar automatically. My question is how much of this can I accomplish with Gravity alone?

    I have done some research and it seems like we could easily create a form to reserve space and take deposits/payments. It also seems like we could customize the responses we send out after the forms are submitted.


    Are there calendar features as part of Gravity natively which can show reservations/bookings and show available time to book? If so, what are the back end features for such options? If not, are there certain 3rd party plug-ins through WP which Gravity plays better with?

    Can we send out multiple responses once a form is submitted based on the info provided? I.E. if a deposit is not made, can we send out a response with the link to make a deposit? If deposit is made can we send out a response with how to pay the balance and if the full payment is made can we send out a seperate thank you without the additional payment info?

    Thank You so much, either way, now that I've found you, if I don't end up purchasing this for my current projects, I will probably purchase the developer liscense further down the road.

    Chandra Moore

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday April 18, 2012 | Permalink
  2. tracklab

    i am also running a studio online service and am surprised your question isn't answered yet..
    the issue i would also ask is if you purchase the develop license after license expires is the add-ons still working i.e. paypal add-on ?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday July 2, 2012 | Permalink
  3. The add-ons will continue to work after your license expires. You would not have access to the support forums or upgrades without a valid license.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday July 2, 2012 | Permalink