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Twilio SMS Replies to Sent Text

  1. tozhelp1


    As I understand Gravity forms is capable of creating posts by users. So users enter a title and description and it can be posted as a blog post. This can act as a form, so the action of filling out the form is the user "posting" and when they click "submit", Twilio sends an SMS to Admins. When is great.

    This is the question: Because what the user can be posted as a blog post, can the Admin reply to the Twilio SMS and the "Admin Reply" will be posted as a comment? Is this possible, I mean of course it is with coding. But is it difficult to implement and is there a coder that you would recommend that can do this?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday March 6, 2012 | Permalink
  2. This is not something the Gravity Forms Twilio Add-On does. It only sends an SMS notification. It does not currently do any kind of two way interaction where users can respond to that SMS and trigger additional functionality.

    It's certainly possible. But as you are probably aware, not without custom code. Twilio's API is extremely powerful and can do a wide range of things. However, the code would have to be written in order for it to do this.

    Here are developers you can try contacting if you need custom development done:

    Raquel Kohler

    Ounce of Talent

    Zach Katz

    Jake Goldman


    There is a larger list of developers with Gravity Forms experience here (although I can't guarantee they all know what they are doing):

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday March 13, 2012 | Permalink

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