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Update Form button does nothing after a certain amount of fields are added

  1. DigitalElise

    Hi There,

    I have been using a friends site and GF to test if Gravity Forms will be right for me but every time I add a certain amount or type of fields not sure which one the form will no longer allow me to update it.

    I am very interested in gravity forms and would like to purchase a Developer licenece but I must know that this issue is something that can be fixed before I can continue with my purchase.

    I am more than happy to attach the xml export of the form if this would help. My friends site runs Wordpress 3.3 and Gravity Forms 1.6.2. and I would be running my site on the same server with an almost identical setup.

    Anything to put my mind at ease would be great.


    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 21, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Please export the form and attach it to an email to

    It sounds like a PHP memory issue. Can you find out how much RAM is allocated to PHP and WordPress?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 21, 2011 | Permalink
  3. DigitalElise

    Hiya Chris,

    Thanks for the lightning fast reply, I took your advice and up'd the PHP memory limit which did the trick and all is working great now.

    Now I have no reason not to buy this fantastic plugin.

    For others reference this is what I did.

    I created a php.ini file in the wp-admin folder and added the single line below.

    memory_limit = 64M

    consider the size eg.(64M) if it still doesn't work.

    Thank again,

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 21, 2011 | Permalink