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Upload questions

  1. jdpr


    My questions might have been answered with previous posts but the prompt says I don't have access to it. So here it goes

    1) Can I set file upload maximum size per image? ex. 1 photo upload limit size to 1mb

    2) Can I set file upload maximum size per submission form? ex 6 different photos with 6 different file size but at maximum of 9mb total all together.

    3) Can multiple files be selected and uploaded with one "upload" button. Ex 10 files for the single upload button in a form. Or do i have to create 10 different buttons to be able to upload 10 different files?

    4) is there a progress bar when uploading?

    5) Where are the uploaded files stored? Is it stored in hosting database or a folder within wordpress?

    6) are uploaded files visible to the public or do they remain private? or there a toggle switch or option for who is allowed to view uploaded files?

    Thanks for your help.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I will take a shot at these based on my experience as a Gravity Forms user. I will link to the source articles for reference, but you won't be able to read them until you purchase Gravity Forms.

    1. Not within Gravity Forms, but there are max-size plugins for WordPress. (older) (current)

    2. Not that I am aware of. Reading ahead, I think you would end up making 6 image fields with 1.5MB max, for a total of 9MB, but that would not mean someone could upload 3 images at 2MB each, then 3 more at 1MB each.

    3. You need to create multiple file upload buttons, one for each file you want to allow the user to upload. I've been thinking about allowing just the file type 'zip' and having one upload button on some of my forms, but I think most people will not be able to figure out how to put all their images into one archive before uploading. Because Gravity Forms uses the built-in PHP file upload functionality, it's somewhat limited. There has been talk of converting to a Flash uploader, which would allow multiple file uploads at once, and would also take care of the progress indicator (your #4.)
    Source (multiple file uploads)

    4. See #3. Not currently possible, but there has been talk of a Flash uploader, which would allow this.
    Source (Flash uploader)

    5. Folder within WordPress. It's in a location something like this:

    6. Visible to the public.

    Hope that information helps. Sounds like it would take a little bit of work to address all your concerns and use Gravity Forms for your project.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Additional information on #6. If someone knew the filename and form number (and when it was uploaded) they could guess the filename and download or access the file. There have been several posts in the forums about renaming the files after uploading to prevent this sort of access. So, you can hide them somewhat until you've downloaded them or otherwise removed them from the server.

    Source 1
    Source 2
    Similar question

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink