I need to override the processing of the duplicate email in the User Registration plugin. Here is a snippet from the User Registration code:
$form = apply_filters('gform_user_registration_validation', $form, $config, $pagenum);
$validation_result["is_valid"] = self::is_form_valid($form);
$validation_result["form"] = $form;
It doesnt look like the gform_user_registration_validation hook allows you to force validate the $validation_result. Is there a way to override this? - I need to find a way to do this without hacking the core of the User Registration plugin. I am on the v 1.5 beta so I do have access to the gform_disable_registration hook as well but it does not appear that this is what Im looking for either.
Please help asap - I need to figure this out for a client deadline. Thank you!