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use case scenerio

  1. ntelf

    can it do this?

    -allow for both guest and registered user submission
    -submit name, video URL, city, etc. (no duplicates allowed for any field especially video link)
    -single post/page: form on top with submitted items listed at bottom (realtime/refresh)
    -sort and search by name or city via form (see previous item)
    -option to disable all notifications and only display message within post
    -use within buddypress and bbpress

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  2. 1. yes, you can force the user to be logged in, or you can allow guests to submit the form.

    2. yes. All those items can be accepted and no duplicates is a built-in feature.

    3. sort of, I think. You can embed a form in a single post or page. You can accept the form submission. If you want to add the items they just submitted to the current post, you can do that with the gform_after_submission hook to update the post, then you can use a redirect option to just reload that page which will then have the new items on it.

    If I understand your question correctly, you want to have the form embedded in a post, and the form submission will add information to that post?

    4. sort and search is not a feature of Gravity Forms on the front end. In the admin, you can sort entries and there is a rudimentary search (you can search the complete entry for a string.) You would use WordPress search for the front end of your site, especially if you are creating posts with your Gravity Forms.

    5. notifications can be disabled completely.

    6. BuddyPress and bbPress compatibility it built in. Both those are WordPress plugins, so you will still be using Gravity Forms within a WordPress page. If you have more specific questions about compatibility with bbPress and BuddyPress, please let us know what you're trying to do.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  3. ntelf

    2. built in duplicate check even for long complicated web URL? :)

    3. Yes, that is correct. The reason I'm looking for a form and output on the same page is to keep visitors from having to visit another post.

    example 1: an email is sent out to everyone to go to a certain post for a city wide picnic gathering. each person will indicate their name, neighborhood and item they will bring with them. everyone can see all the responses and decide.

    example 2: corporate softball outing with each person attending filling out their name, which office they are representing.

    so form and output on same page is possible?

    4. was hoping for at least one: sort or search. Sort column similar to excel spreadsheets so everyone (not admin) can see which office has the most reps. attending or volunteer group to sort and see which area require the most help.

    7. for URL submitted - is there an option to display either plain text or clickable? also, can the admin configure it so that when the member of the softball team submit (name, office, url to office profile) the output on the same page show 2 columns instead of the 3 that was submitted: name (linked to url) and office

    8. will this work in firewalled intranet or will gravity form look to ping outside (look for updates, etc.) and cause IT to tell us that we should not use this plugin.

    Hope they all make sense.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 8, 2013 | Permalink
  4. 2. If the data entered is an exact duplicate, and you have checked "no duplicates", the form will ail validation.

    3. Yes, form and output on the same page is possible. It will require some PHP code to update an existing post, as I explained previously. That is not the way Gravity Forms normally operates (it will create entries, or it will create posts, but it can be made to add information to an existing post.)

    4. These are not features of Gravity Forms. You would have to come up with another way to display the entry data which would include sortable columns and possibly search. Gravity Forms will not do this for you.

    7. 7? 7 is new... :-)

    You can display the plain text which was submitted, or you can hyperlink it.

    8. Gravity Forms will try to contact the license server to be sure you have a valid license, and will also check periodically for updates. Those features will not work if Gravity Forms cannot access the Internet.

    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday February 9, 2013 | Permalink