I have a site that uses GF, the GF Paypal addon, the GF user registration addon and the GF+Custom Post Types plugin. We have an 'Artists' custom post type with each registered user having a role of 'Listings Contributor'. This role has the extra capability of 'Upload Files' checked (via the User Role Editor plugin).
New artists complete their form, get sent to paypal for payment of their listing, then are returned to the site. The process creates the user, with a role of 'Listings Contributor', and also adds an artist custom post type record for them.
However, upon creation of this new user, it appears that the 'Upload Files' capability is unchecked for the entire 'Listings Contributor' role, making it impossible for any artists to upload more images. This clearly isn't correct, and I suspect the issue might lie in one of the GF addons.
Please could you confirm if there is any part of the plugins that will reset these capabilities? I can supply dashboard and ftp access to the site, if required.