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User Registration Add-On Questions

  1. Fika


    I am looking to upgrade my GF to a developer license to take advantage of the add-ons that are offered such as PayPal and User Registration.

    I have a few pre-purchase questions after reading the documentation available before buying.

    1) It says you can set some registration conditions, but does not say what they are. I am looking to set a registration condition to allow the admin to confirm the user and for the user to confirm their email account (Reason being I am allowing companies register and don't want people impersonating a company name when they register, so I want to check they sign up with a url for the company domain and validate it) Are these part of the registration conditions and can both be applied to one form?

    2) If I use additional form fields to collect other information how can I use that later? I see one of the limitations was that it does not go to the user profile page. But the way it is written, it might be possible to do this by adding some code? Can you confirm that approach or how to get this info

    3) Does this Add-On handle all the email notifications regarding registering for the site? Welcome, Retrieve Password, User Approval, User Email verification etc etc. If not, is that just handled by Wordpress? I use a plugin called "Theme My Login" which handles it now, but wanted to understand if this plugin does it too, so I can delete the other one.

    4) Does the plugin support mapping of fields? My site set up is a directory listing site of Farmers. So I already have a database of Farmers on there for free (They are not registered on the site, I added the DB manually) Once a farmer registered they will pay and submit further information for their profile. Their profile pages (are wordpress pages) and I use custom fields right now to add any info I have myself (Bio, Facebook URL etc etc) However I have a lot of blanks. When a new user signs up as a company they will have the opportunity to fill in some of these blanks with fields I want to add to the GF reg form. I was wondering for streamlining sake, is it possible to somehow map the content they fill in for their profile registration to the custom fields I have already created on the site. For example in the registration form I have a dropdown of all Farmers in my database. They choose which one is theirs. They fill out their Bio, Addresses etc etc. Once they register these fields are mapped across to the ones in the profile pages of the Famers?

    Thanks for the help

    Looking forward to getting stuck in


    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 21, 2012 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    1.) You can create your own custom validation of any field using the following hook:

    This would let you do a "like" test on a company name and domain to see if they are similar or the same and give an error if they aren't. So if a company tries to use a Gmail address, it would be rejected.

    You can also set it so that their password for their WordPress account is e-mailed to them, that way they have to receive the e-mail before they can log in.

    The registration conditions built-in are like the following:
    "Register the user if Register is Yes"

    So if I had a field called Register and they selected Yes, then it would register their account, otherwise, it wouldn't. This is mostly for multi-use forms where not everyone is going to register but you want to give them that option.

    2.) Justin Tadlock has a great tutorial on displaying custom meta in the Profile section.

    I just tested it to make sure it works correctly, and the only thing I'll say is that when you create Custom User Meta in the registration plugin, if you use a capital letter, then when you call it with the function, you need to match case.

    3.) This add-on only handles the initial e-mail notification if you check off that it should e-mail the user their password in the registration settings. It also will e-mail them a normal Gravity Forms notification if you set one up for the form.

    4.) Gravity Forms can fill out custom fields, both in User Meta and in WordPress posts. So if you have a field that is farmtype you can have an input that hooks into that custom field name so that anything they select would go into the farmtype custom field.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 21, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Fika

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. A few follow ups

    1) "You can also set it so that their password for their WordPress account is e-mailed to them, that way they have to receive the e-mail before they can log in." - Is that an option, or is there documentation on how to do that? I would not know how to code something like this myself.

    2) OK great, I did have a look at that link and it seems it is talking in general rather than how it would work with Gravity Forms. If I had a text area for example where I want a user to write a short bio. Is that text area content added to the profile page or do I need to manually insert it. Again, looking for some specific gravity forms implementation.

    3) Roger that. Do you know if theme my login works with Gravity Registration Forms?

    4) Is there any more documentation on what you write in point 4. I ask because if I end up getting this will I be stuck asking another bunch of questions to get help on or has someone already documented this use case?

    Cheers //Stephen

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 21, 2012 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    1.) That is an option to have their password e-mailed to them (either randomly generated, or the one they've entered in the form). No programming required.

    2.) Gravity Forms user registration allows you to add custom user meta and link it to a field in a Gravity Form. So if you had a text area in your form, in our user registration add-on settings, you would map it to your custom user meta field and then using the code mentioned in the example link, you could then display the stuff they entered in that field in their User Profile page.

    3.) No, it isn't a WordPress login page, but instead just a normal page, so however a form would look on a normal page of your site, that is what the registration form would look like. You embed Gravity Forms, including the User Registration one into a page.

    4.) There is no code to write out. It is all done through the user interface.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 21, 2012 | Permalink
  5. I believe I am having a similar problem. I am trying to create a registration form where my users give me detailed information about themselves/companies. I want them to be able to create their own password and I would like for the information they enter in the registration form to populate their profile information. And will the user registration generate a profile page for them? Is this possible or will I need other resources? Please advise.


    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 28, 2012 | Permalink
  6. David Peralty

    Hi benbick16 - I have pretty much answered all of this in the above.

    You can have a password field so they can fill out their own password. You can have extra fields in your user registration but they won't automatically appear in the WordPress user profile section. You will need to use the link to Justin Tadlock's tutorial on adding additional profile details:

    You can have the additional details saved without showing up, so if you want to have them have a complex profile that they can't see or change, then don't worry about the tutorial on adding more fields to the profile page.

    You can export their details using Gravity Forms' export system.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 28, 2012 | Permalink
  7. Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 28, 2012 | Permalink