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User removal from Admin not applying in Database

  1. FanaticWeb

    I'm not complaining about the user entries being stored, but when deleting them from the WP Admin panel, they remain listed in the Database, is that a glitch or anyone else experiencing this issue?

    I'm using the User Registration addon.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 31, 2011 | Permalink
  2. So you are deleting entries in the Entry area but still seeing them in your database? If they don't appear on the Entry list page, they shouldn't be in your database. The entry list page lists what is in the database.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 31, 2011 | Permalink
  3. FanaticWeb

    Hi Carl, for the record, the registrations were done using the preview method and not the real time integrated form into the site, not sure if this should make a difference.

    I deleted them from the GF Entries panel, went back into the DB and noticed the username entry was still there, meanwhile, under the WP Users panel, I still see the users that I created using the GF form and the ones that I deleted from GF Entries.

    I retested this morning and the only way to completely remove that user from the Database was to actually delete them from the main Users panel of WP.

    As if the addon User Registration is not sending the deletion call to the main WP db, yet oddly enough, the GF form is capable or reading and recognizing an existing entry name in the WP database when I try adding a profile using an existing username.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 31, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Deleting an entry does not delete the user.

    Entries and Users are two different things stored in 2 difference places. In order to delete a user you need to go to Users and delete them there. Entries are simply form data for the form that is submitted because the Form could contain more than just the user registration data, it could contain some additional order data, or post data, etc.

    So deleting an Entry doesn't delete a User, just like deleting an Entry that created a post doesn't delete the Post that was created.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 31, 2011 | Permalink
  5. FanaticWeb

    I see what you mean, in other words, we can opt to delete the entry including whatever data was attached to it and keep the User registration entry, or delete the user and keep the posted data submitted by the registered user.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 31, 2011 | Permalink
  6. FanaticWeb

    Me again :)

    I just need a clarification on the addon User Registration, granted for the entries vs users removal:
    When I created the User registration form, I added extra fields such as Gender, Age range, Interests, etc.

    In the WP panel, I see the extra fields when I go to the Entries panel, great, but I dont see this info when logged in the Wordpress Database? I only see the basic fields such as username, email, but not the extra fields I created, unless i'm not looking at the right place.

    I'm just trying to be proactive should GF crash on me, if I need to export this data to another database in the future, I'll have to reinstall the GF and Import the csv file but what if GF crashes on me for any given/possible reason before I manage to exposrt the csv file? SHouldn't it be already stored in the WP DB somewhere?

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday April 11, 2011 | Permalink
  7. @FanaticWeb Gravity Forms is only used to create data, so any custom user meta fields you populate using the User Registration Add-On aren't going to automatically appear in the User Profile page. The User Meta is stored in the user meta table, however WordPress doesn't automatically show custom User Meta on the Profile Page.

    You would have to use a plugin for displaying custom user meta fields on the Profile page, or write custom PHP code to display custom user meta on the Profile page. So the data is there, WordPress just doesn't display it by default.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday April 11, 2011 | Permalink
  8. FanaticWeb

    (Sorry for the delay) So bottom line, the data is stored on the backend and most likely can be called upon from a Newsletter system compatible with GF which should be capable of retrieving those additional fields related to the user's profile, only this data is not visible publicly unless I customize the code to make it appear online.

    Thank you for the quick followups by the way, seriously impressive your support system.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday April 13, 2011 | Permalink