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User Submitted information that can be accessed and viewed by users

  1. yhohooi

    I am trying to find a plugin that can allow the user to view the information they have already submitted and possibly edit it. Is this possible? It would also be great if they could save multiple instances of their information and access all of them.

    I run a website where I teach people how to start a business. The courses are structured in various modules. In each step I want to ask them to submit their information. I would define a few form types and they submit their data. It would be great if they can "load" their previous submissions and see all submissions. Is this possible with your form plugin?

    Posted 10 years ago on Friday May 24, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Editing existing entries is not a feature of Gravity Forms at this time. There are several 3rd party solutions out there, but I can't vouch for any of them specifically. Editing of entries is a feature we'd like to add to Gravity Forms in the future.

    Posted 10 years ago on Sunday May 26, 2013 | Permalink
  3. yhohooi

    What about just being able to view the information? I mean, I could create the script myself. Gravityforms uses a MySQL database? Perhaps I could just create a script to list all the form submissions by that user and create a simple script to display their entries. They will not be able to edit their entries, but at least they can see them. Would I be able and allowed to do that? I know how to program it, just wondering if there are any limitations I am not aware of... I can read the data in the MySQL data or is it somehow blocked from me?

    A few questions:
    1. I am guessing that Gravityforms saves what wordpress user submitted the information?
    2. Do you know if Gravityforms works with the membership script Digital Access Pass?


    Posted 10 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink
  4. yhohooi

    Oh and another question. I read somewhere that GravityForms can have a checkbox or alike on the contact form, which enables people to subscribe to the mailing list once they contact you. Is that true?

    In that case, does this and other features work with a self-hosted list solution? I am using arpReach. Does it work with that arpreach?

    Posted 10 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink
  5. David Peralty

    1. I am guessing that Gravityforms saves what wordpress user submitted the information?
    It doesn't include said information unless you include fields to do so, and make it save that information.

    2. Do you know if Gravityforms works with the membership script Digital Access Pass?
    Sorry, I've never used that add-on and don't have any information regarding its use.

    You can totally create your own add-on for Gravity Forms, there are no restrictions and there are TONS of third party add-ons already on the WordPress Plugin Extend.

    Our subscription integration so far doesn't include arpReach. Our Add-ons are listed here - and third party ones here:

    Posted 10 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink