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User submitted "posts" to WP page

  1. tlc72

    I am trying to determine if GF would be the right tool to create "Project Stories" on my WP site. Project stories are where I would post a question on my website and readers can respond - requiring registration information or a login for returning users.

    A good example of "Project Stories" is

    If you click on the text box in the above link, this has all the form requirements for the user to respond to the topic. Each response would be in it's own box along with the users name like Smith Mag has setup.

    Second question:
    For guest bloggers, is the paragraph field truly unlimited where they could paste a 1000 word post?

    Thanks for your time!

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday June 17, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Yes, Gravity Forms can collect and publish registered users' posts in response to your question.

    Yes, the paragraph field is truly unlimited, as much as WordPress is unlimited. I've never run into an issue with content length in a paragraph field.

    There is JavaScript functionality to limit the input to a specific number of characters, if that's what you're looking for instead.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 18, 2012 | Permalink