I have a user registration form with a hidden checkbox for 'Account Type' that is populated dynamically via a url string from a previous page. The values are 'School', 'Organization' and 'Local Business'.
I'm trying to map the selected checkbox value to a user meta field and can't seem to figure out how. On the Edit Feed screen, I can create the Account Type field under User Meta and map that to a field but it is not saving the value (the field is blank in the user profile). I've registered the field in functions.php as per this: http://chriscarter.org/removing-and-adding-meta-fields-from-profile/
Now, this may or may not be related but certain user meta fields I'm creating using User Meta Pro are showing up as available to be mapped but some are not and I don't know why.
Alternatively I could use a hook/filter to accomplish this but how can I get (or create) the meta key for a custom user registration form field and then map that to a user meta field?