This is similar to the "Integration to Wordpress Users" post, but still wanted to make the case for my scenario.
I webmaster a site for my church. I build lots of forms for each of the ministries and special events held. I use the "Members" plug-in give the appropriate WP users the "gravityforms_view_entries" capability.
This works well except that all form entries are available to anyone with this capability. This means the user has to try and find their form results from a list of 20+ forms. Also there is the issue of confidentiality. For example, form results for the Prayer Request form should only be available to members of the prayer ministry.
So... I would like to be able to limit the viewing of a specific form's results to specific registered WP users. Then when going to the Forms Entries view, a given user would only see the forms that they were associated with.
Thanks in advance for your considerations and thanks for developing this great product!