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Virgin Swears Under Oath She Was Not Paid To…

  1. sxmungall

    Virgin Swears Under Oath She Was Not Paid To Write This Testimonial!

    I’ll be honest with you; I’ve never written a testimonial before. I can’t remember the last time I recommended a movie to someone, let alone sung the praises of any company, product, or service.

    But I can say this…

    Hand-on-heart, as far as Internet Marketing is concerned, GravityForms is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. It’s much more than just a plugin; it’s a performance enhancing dose of WordPress steroids.

    And the best bit is – it’s so simple to use!

    Normally “plug and play” translates to “break down and cry”. But GravityForms was designed with the average person (people like me) in mind. Just point and click, and Shazaam! A fully-functioning, validated form in a matter of seconds! Heck, it’s even got its own auto-responder built in, so you can send the customer a confirmation email!

    GravityForms is one of those rare products, that once you’ve used it, you’ll wonder how on earth you managed without it. It’s just that good!

    Personally, I’d recommend you buy the developers version – just for the “priority customer service” alone! I had a few issues with my site, and even though it had nothing to do with the actual plugin (it was a Thesis design issue), the guys went above and beyond the call of duty to get my form looking just the way I wanted it to!

    Compared to the cost of hiring a web designer, investing in GravityForms is a no-brainer.


    Trust me, it pay’s for itself and the speedy customer service is second-to-none! What's more, the upgrades and future add-ons mean that this plugin just gets better and better!

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday December 29, 2009 | Permalink