Please post any feature requests you may have for future Gravity Forms releases in this forum.
Please post any feature requests you may have for future Gravity Forms releases in this forum.
paypal integration would be cool!
Payment Processing integration using PayPal is on the roadmap... keep watching :)
Please also consider authorizenet AIM payment integration as well. It's one of the top ecommerce payment gateways.
Is there any reason why one upload field can't do a near unlimited amount of uploads in one form submit?
I don't know how many files the user will need to upload, so it would be nice if it worked like Gmail's attachment manager for e-mail.
We have discussed doing multiple upload with one field. It would require implementing a flash based uploader which is what is used to do multiple file uploads from one field. Most people don't realize it but that is how sites like GMail, etc. allow you to select multiple files in the dialog box. It uses flash, although the user can't tell. We will probably add this in the future.
Carl - I thought it used AJAX.
e.g. - <- Cool looking.
David: We are talking about two different things, i'm referring to multi file upload that allows you to select multiple files in one file browse dialog box. With AJAX you can do multi-upload but you have to manually select each file one at a time. Using the flash method you can allow the user to select multiple files in the file selection box without having to open it up each time. But yea either way it will be a cool feature.
Wrong - Try the second link I sent you. It looks like it supports multiple file uploads at once.
I'd love to be able to easily put a form in an ajax modal window too. Is that possible already?
Right :) The second one uses a .swf file behind the scenes. It's no big deal that it uses flash, it's a common practice. The Flickr file uploader uses flash as do pretty much every non-Java based uploader that allows you to select multiple files in a single dialog box. It's the standard way of doing it.
Shame that there is no non-flash way to do it. Good to know though. :) Thanks for the clarification.
Is there a multiple file upload now? Couldnt find a demo for it and one year ago you said its planned :)
There is no multiple file upload. We've added a *LOT* of features over the past year but that was not one of them as their was higher demand for other features and capabilities. Multiple file upload is going to require using a Flash based file uploader and we do plan on adding it eventually but it hasn't been a high priority. But it is still on our internal roadmap.
I would like the option to choose the date and time format that gets submitted as a value into the DB or post field
TIME: Allow me to submit value as military time (24 hour clock)
This would allow me to be able to easily sort posts by date and time.
I would love to see integration for new user registration in Wordpress.
Paypal integration would be amazing!
I think it would attract loads more customers that would buy gravity forms...
Multiple file upload even if it has to use flash on the background.
Another interesting feature would be to create polls within gravity forms...
Also when you create a new form and you add a TITLE would nice if you can select to display or not the TITLE when the form is published on the site. Some of us use images to or diferent fonts to display the title or simply dont wont to show the title for some other reason...
Those are my suggestions for the next version of Gravity Forms :-)
@kr2spain You already can choose to show the Title or not when displaying a form. When using the shortcode or function call you can choose to show (or not show) the Title and you can also choose to show (or not show) the Description. These are options when you use the insert form wizard in the post editor.
It is also discussed in the documentation on how to embed forms here:
Requesting a multiple image uploading feature!