I am very interested in your product, but I have a couple of questions.
I am wondering if I can set up your form to calculate a price based on number of words multiplied by a dollar amount? Example, someone submits a 5,000 word document, which I will edit for .02 cents per word: 5,000 words x $.02 = $100. Similar to this example (part 1 only): http://www.eliteediting.com/pricing/
I would like to set up my form so that they enter the number of words in a field, then choose the type of service (via drop down or radio buttons; the pricing would be programmed into each service). They click a "get quote" button and see what they owe.
Also, I would like this price to populate in a Paypal form, when they push Paypal's "buy now" button.
Thank you for your help.