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Will GF allow me to build an order enquiry form like this

  1. khidhaboy


    I've tried the demo area and built a product enquiry order form but I can't save/preview it in the demo area.

    What I am looking to do is create a product enquiry form like this:

    I want the user to pick a product from the drop-down (each product is separately priced). The total price should be calculated as:
    Chosen Product x Qty x Duration + Shipping

    Can you advise if this is possible or setup a dummy product order form I can play with in the demo area.

    Many thanks

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 16, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms doesn't support the concept of Product x Quantity x Duration.

    It only supports the concept of Product x Quantity = Total.

    It does, however also support Options on the Product as well as Shipping. So with all of them utilized it would look like this:

    (Product + Options) x Quantity + Shipping = Total

    So with that in mind, it may be possible to do what you want to do using the available tools, you would just have to rethink things a bit and work with the available tools to make it work.

    What you could do is:

    - Use a Product Field for the product
    - Use an Option Field for the duration, have each duration add to the Product price
    - Quantity field multiples the product price which includes taking the Option into account

    From what I can tell that would give you a similar outcome.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 16, 2011 | Permalink
  3. khidhaboy

    Right will give that a go - many thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 17, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Good luck. Please let us know if you need any help once you get started.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 17, 2011 | Permalink