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Will GF Fulfill My Needs?

  1. omoplata


    I'm considering using Gravity Forums and because some of the Forum is blocked, I'm unable to find the answers myself, so I will ask here.

    I currently have a basic site that sells a small inventory of goods/services via PayPal buttons. It currently uses custom forms that populate from a database, and as the user makes a purchase, also updates various invoicing tables. Finally when the user puchases via the PayPal button, uses paypal IPN to mark the invoice tables records as PAID so we can process.

    I would like to migrate to gravity forums to handle the UI for data entry, but continue to use our backend database. And if possible, depending on how the PayPal Add-On works, integrate GF's PP capabilities as well. As far as I can tell, I may be able to accomplish this using Dynamic Field Population, and sending to 3rd Party at Submission - I would use Dynamic field population to populate certain fields from my database, and 3rd party submission at each 'submit' of a form which will POST to my own custom PHP that will insert/modify DB tables.

    My question is, is this a workable solution? Second is there a better solution? Finally, the devil is in the details - how exactly would I populate GF fields from my database, and how does the 3rd party submission work?


    Posted 12 years ago on Monday July 16, 2012 | Permalink
  2. omoplata

    Ok, after looking at the documentation, it looks like I'd have to do everything with Hooks.

    With dynamic field population, how do you add more than one value, to say a dropdown?

    Also, is there a away to send a custom parameter to the hook for the dynamic field? For example, the GF form itself will be sent a URL parameter that indicates which Product ID we're processing. Depending on the ProductID, certain fields will be dynamically populated with different values. How would this be done?

    And keep in mind, I will need many dynamic fields like this, that are populated depending on the ProductID URL parameter.

    I guess I should ask first, can GF handle URL params sent to it and if so, how do I control what happens to this URL param?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday July 16, 2012 | Permalink