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Will Gravity let me do this?

  1. Here's all I want to do (and writing my own plugin to do it has proved to be a huge pain in the keister):

    I want a widget that only shows up in the admin dashboard, that basically consists of a text box and a "Submit" button. I want to be able to enter a code into that text box that goes to an external source and collects a bunch of data, using that parsed data to be automatically entered into a post using wp_insert_post - the post data would include tags, custom taxonomies and a custom post type. (All of this exists in a function that I wrote, the parsing of the data and the setting of the tags & terms works just fine. The only thing I need Gravity to provide is the form functionality from the dashboard, because having my plugin hook into save_post is causing headaches saving terms between parents and revisions.)

    I don't care if it brings up a more detailed form with pre-populated editable fields, or if it just goes ahead and inserts the post - I'd actually prefer the latter.

    So all I really need Gravity to do is call the function I wrote when I click "Submit". (I know it seems like a lot of money to spend for a submit button, but I've already wasted enough time trying to master the Wordpress API - I have a business to run.)

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday July 1, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms is not designed to be used on the WordPress admin. As such, it will probably not work as expected. We don't recommend it and have no experience with it.

    There was a post somewhere here which mentioned doing just this, but I can't find it right now. Or maybe I dreamt it.

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday July 1, 2012 | Permalink