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woocommerce add-on specific setup

  1. mmatty

    I need my product options to look like the description below. Can you confirm that this is doable with the extension?


    (see a good example here:

    radio button list:
    size a []extra options $10
    size b []extra options $20
    size c []extra options $30

    let's say, size b is selected, and the user clicks the extra options checkbox, it slides to reveal the extra options radio list and their prices:
    the size b price is now hidden

    size a []extra options $10
    size b [v]extra options --price hidden now
    option a $22
    option b $25
    option c $28
    size c []extra options $30

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 8, 2012 | Permalink
  2. You will need to contact Woocommerce for their support regarding their extension.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 8, 2012 | Permalink