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Workflow Modeling and execution

  1. skot1708

    Hey all,

    for normal I'm no webdesigner but an expert for process management. In daily business I often get inTouch with process Workflow Solutions like Signavio etc. . Many of them are quite strong in the visual modeling of BPM Diagrams, swimlanes and Role Management. But at some point you would like to make a Process/a Workflow interactive so the User is able to work with it. And that is where mostly all of the Solutions get in trouble, cause their Formbuilders are complicate and buggy.

    With the Power of Wordpress and GravityForms in addition, this solution has the chance to get an Impressive, easy to use and affordable Process- and/or Qualitymanagement-Portal. I know this idea is more a vision then a featurerequest, but if someone is able to realize this a great market with a bunch of money will welcome you.

    Basic Steps for development would be:
    - Design or integrate a Processmodel tool like Visio or iGrafx or ...
    - Make Process interaktive (f.e. start a new Process)
    - Connect forms with Process-Activities
    - Role-Management implementation
    - Reporting and live indicator-logging (Tasks, Process-duration, Costs and so on)
    - Flexible Dashboards for Reporting (a bit like Sharepoint)

    if someone is interested starting a development in this direction I could give assistance for free (I'm no experienced programmer, but a good process engineer) and would even pay for it and collecting money for development, cause I know many enterprises which need a affordable, easy and scaleable solution like this.

    An example for a solution with a "proper" direction is BariumLive (



    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday January 17, 2013 | Permalink

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