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Yet another who cannot pass users to MailChimp - Seems to be a API issue.

  1. Athen

    Hi GF.

    Working on at WP Multi Site, with "User Registration" and "MailChimp" addons, so I can add users within the front end, and having the user attached to my MailChimp list AND group at se same time. (group feature is awesome!)

    Now, when I submit a new user, the user is created perfectly within WP, but the user is not added to my MC account. Everything looks correct, and follows best practices. I've tried talking to MC, but they redirected me here :)

    You can see my MC correspondence here:

    I can see a API error at my MC API dashboard - but I cannot see what the error is. Can you help me? The feauture is awesome, if it did function ;)

    Everything is upgraded to newest versions.
    The MC form works fine as stand-alone.

    Looking forward to hear from you - have a nice day!

    Bw. Athen

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday February 15, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, Athen,

    I responded to you in the other post ( If you could provide us with the following this will help us troubleshoot what is going on. I am going to do some more testing on my end using groups (you are the first one that has mentioned using groups, which is a newer feature, so hopefully I can get it to break for me). If we could get the error you are seeing that would be great; can you get it if you view the source of your page?

    - WordPress admin login for the site
    - FTP login for the site
    - MailChimp login

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 17, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Athen

    Thanks Dana. I realized that I was able to use priority support, so I posted there, now Carl has the case. But thanks for your answer!

    Have a nice day, Dana :)

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday February 20, 2012 | Permalink

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