Nice Update but still no Option to hide the State/Province Field. Most of us don't need this field
:) maybe in the full version later
Nice Update but still no Option to hide the State/Province Field. Most of us don't need this field
:) maybe in the full version later
Because there is still no option to hide the state field and I would like to hide it you gave me the following code to implement into my site.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$('#input_2_11.4_container input').attr('value','n/a');
This gives the State field a value and I can hide it with css so it doesn't appear and doesn't get an error because it isn't filled out.
I tried it,changed the id, eveything but nothing happens. I added this code into my header and it loads, but nothing happens.
Maybe you can help me with that