Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Drop Down Fields Not Responsive 11 Richard Vav 9 years
html field 13 Richard Vav 10 years
Automatic Sign-Up Page Generating a New Web Page or Post 26 Carl Hancock 10 years
Unable to submit using enter/return key in masked field in Internet Explorer 5 Richard Vav 10 years
date field translated 9 Richard Vav 10 years
Change position of sub-labels on advanced fields 14 Richard Vav 10 years
2 Problems: Mixed uploads of different entries, and files with Chinese names 3 Richard Vav 11 years
Gravity Form & Expire Users Plugin 2 Richard Vav 11 years
Alignment is messed up, please see the rates 2 Richard Vav 11 years
Form doesn't submit 7 Richard Vav 11 years
Add class to input using php - not client side 2 Richard Vav 11 years
newbie - T-shirt order with quantity box for sizes 4 Richard Vav 11 years
Variable Options... WooCommerce + Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Download for most recent 1.6.x please. 7 Richard Vav 11 years
HELP needed with Update Post 2 Richard Vav 11 years
Empty Address Field Doesn't Update 8 Richard Vav 11 years
Auto Polulate 3 Richard Vav 11 years
Vertical Position between Fields, especially "Submit" button 4 Richard Vav 11 years
Zip code field wrapped around span element with element. HTML output? 5 Richard Vav 11 years
404 in Confirmation page 4 Richard Vav 11 years
Maximum Length on a list field How to? 2 Richard Vav 11 years
File upload not working at all 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Post Form Field for Allow Comments? 6 Richard Vav 11 years
how can i stop the form from sending emails (i just want to use the entry) 3 Richard Vav 11 years
Calculate between number field and real product price 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Notifications doesnt work, but notes does 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Multisite and Updating the Plugin 4 Richard Vav 11 years
Dynamic populate radio button value 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Conditional Logic to display Captcha? 6 Richard Vav 11 years
Woocommerce and gravity forms - display order 6 Richard Vav 11 years