PLEASE NOTE: These forums are no longer utilized and are provided as an archive for informational purposes only. All support issues will be handled via email using our support ticket system. For more detailed information on this change, please see this blog post.

Automatic Sign-Up Page Generating a New Web Page or Post

  1. Hi There,

    I just purchased the basic Gravity Forms option a few days ago. I'm trying to build a sign-up form for my live bands/live music website (, where instead of new bands emailing me from my website, instead they can click on a sign-up link on my site, and input all their live band details there - band name, biography, photos, mp3's, video clips etc.. I need them to input the data, then click "SUBMIT", where I get an alert that says PUBLISH, and then I can approve, or make changes, I click PUBLISH, and it becomes a nice formatted page (or post) added to a certain area on my Wordpress site. But my webguy can't figure it out, and I've got no chance. Please help!!!

    Thanks Heaps,

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 14, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    If you want to create a WordPress post, you'll want to use the Post Fields section of fields. There is a title field and body field in there. Those fields also have something in the settings called Post Template. This allows you to push details from the rest of the form into the title or body by using merge tags.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday March 15, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Tobe

    Hey David,

    I have the same question as Stu, but I can not see any Post Template setting is missing.
    What I do see is a Post Format setting, but that is to create a blog post instead of a page.
    It makes me select video, quote, link etc. But I can not select page template file.

    How can I get those selections, did I do something wrong in other setings somewhere? I tried to find out, but without results so far. Can you advice?

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    The post template setting is inside the options for the Post Title and Post Body fields, when you add them to a form.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink
  5. Tobe

    Hi David, do I need a plugin to make them show up? For I can't see them.
    Or is Post Format and Post Template the same thing?

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink
  6. David Peralty

    Sorry, it looks like the wording for this setting has changed. Create content template is the same.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink
  7. Tobe

    Ah ok. Because of the term 'template I assumed it was an option to create a 'page'. Sorry for that.
    So it does select a type of blog post, like 'video', 'quote' , etc.

    I was looking for a way to create a page (not a post) in a certain page-template like 'full width' etc. (For I think I do have more control over the way the page will look like) and I want the form entries to get in that page design. Is that possible or is it not something Gravityform can do? How can I get the best results?

    Maybe I can better explain what the purpose of the website and my purchase of Gravityforms license is: I want to create a website where users can submit a form with their name, a numeric value, and a qoute/statement. Additional also their e-mail address, but that does not show up in the created page. This created page is showing the user's name, numeric value and qoute. (And some other stuff but that has nothing to do with Gravityforms) User can not edit the page, (no user registration involved)

    What I already did:
    After submitting, the user is directed to his created page (blog post for now). and user receive an email with link to that post. I managed the email and directing to a created blogpost.

    Wat is missing:
    It is still a blog post that looks like a blog post and only contains the title of the post. The other entries are missing.

    Can you help me with this question?

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink
  8. I have the same questions as Stu, the original poster. I am still very lost. Is there a video or step by step directions on how to turn your form into a blog post?

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 20, 2013 | Permalink
  9. Hello. I am posting on behalf of my Wife's account. I was able to figure out the Create content template. I added a "Body Field" under the "Post Fields" section and converted the other fields to "custom fields" under post Fields (except for the Image fields under post fields). Then I used the insert merge tag combo box to add different merge tags like David mentioned above. When a post is created it looks at two fields: Post Title and Post Body. Then I formatted the merge tags and added some text to make it more readable in the post. That looks like this:

    Name: {Name :19}
    City, State, Country: {Where do you live?:24}

    Website: {Website :25}
    {Picture 1:14:medium:left}

    The {Name:19} is what was added when I added the Name field from insert merge tag. I hope this helps out. What I would normally do is add screenshots or do a quick video to explain this if I was documenting this feature at my job.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 21, 2013 | Permalink
  10. Tobe

    Thx Vintagedancer, that works for me too. Never thought about adding a body field. But this sounds like the answer to me. Even though I prefer creating a page instead of a blog post. Do you have any idea how to do that but create a page instead?

    I will try this code now as mentioned here 2 years ago:

    add_filter("gform_post_data", "change_post_type", 10, 2);
    function change_post_type($post_data, $form){
        //only change post type on form id 5
        if($form["id"] != 5)
           return $post_data;
        $post_data["post_type"] = "page";
        return $post_data;

    I'll keep you updated.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 21, 2013 | Permalink
  11. Tobe

    Wow, that works. Now it creates pages instead. But there is no selection in page template yet.
    Lets say I want to have those entries end up in a page using the page template called: template-my-form.php

    How to add that in this code? This would really help me out.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 21, 2013 | Permalink
  12. Please try this code instead of the previous code block. You will need to change the form ID on line 5 to your form ID:

    I don't think you can change the meta using the gform_post_data filter, so I changed the code to use gform_after_submission. For the same reason, I don't think we can use wp_update_post either, so I used update_post_meta.

    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday March 24, 2013 | Permalink
  13. Tobe

    That code works great. :-) Thank you very much.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday March 25, 2013 | Permalink
  14. Tobe

    Sorry for that fast did not work. It still creates a page using the default page template.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday March 25, 2013 | Permalink
  15. Tobe

    And another bug in the code: It stops sending the notification email....
    I tested it out and using the previous code block the e-mail notification is working again.....
    So for now I just changed the style of the default page.php file, and use the previous code to create a page:

    add_filter("gform_post_data", "change_post_type", 10, 2);
    function change_post_type($post_data, $form){
        //only change post type on form id 5
        if($form["id"] != 5)
           return $post_data;
        $post_data["post_type"] = "page";
        return $post_data;
    Posted 11 years ago on Monday March 25, 2013 | Permalink
  16. If you would like to revisit the topic if this solution no longer works for you, please let us know. Sorry about that.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday March 25, 2013 | Permalink
  17. Tobe

    Hi Chris, maybe it would be nice for other users to know how to generate a page and determine what page template to be used. For I use a portfolio theme (with portfolio template on home page) I do nut need to use the default page.php for other purposes. So I can work with the first code. But maybe maybe other users who bump into this topic would be helped, but then I guess they need to reply with their request. ;-)

    Thank you very much for your help! Gravity forms, and the support forum, exceeds other premium plugin customer services. Keep up the good work.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 26, 2013 | Permalink
  18. I had a mistake in the code on line 15 before (I used $post_id rather than $post->ID or $entry['post_id']). Please try the code again and see if it works for you.

    One other problem with the code may be because we're trying to update the post and update the meta at the same time. Lines 15 and 18 may need to be reversed.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 26, 2013 | Permalink
  19. Hi Guys,

    I'm the original poster of this thread, I mentioned all my requirements in my original post above. I'm a N00b, the post was about 3 weeks ago - I don't have a clue what to do with any of this. David gave me some nice help to start with, but having read through the comments of much cleverer people above, who are far more coherent with any of this than me, it's obvious I'm not going to succeed here. Is there a way to refund the Gravity Forms purchase I made last month? I'm just going to have to scale down my aspirations to the usual N00b level. Please let me know. Stu.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday April 2, 2013 | Permalink
  20. Our refund policy is detailed here:

    David forwarded me your email. I'll be happy to help you work this out. I believe Gravity Forms can do everything you need and I want to help show you how to accomplish it. Can you please state here what you would like to do, so I don't have to wade through all the replies. Please let me know how much of this you have working now, and what you need help with.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday April 4, 2013 | Permalink
  21. Hi Chris,

    Thank you so much - a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak! I'll try to be brief:

    Generally, I just want a data capture form that can transfer the captured data from my website's live bands sign-up page for my rock/pop bands, and auto generate the same-looking live bands page as the ones already on my website, so I can exponentially populate more band pages on my site ( without physically creating a page myself each time for each band submission! So I need GF to send me an alert of some kind when a form is submitted, but then:

    I need to then be able to verify the submission, by clicking a "PUBLISH", or "APPROVE", or "EDIT" (for example) button, and have the form then automatically create/publish a new band page that is exactly the same as my current band pages on my site - like this one:

    I get so many e-mail submissions from new bands, looking for artist representation, that I can't keep up. Can Gravity Forms do this - is it designed to accurately populate a site with new pages, to save me having to manually build each page myself?
    David did very kindly create a form on my Wordpress site of how it should be, for me to experiment with and try to finish it off, but I'm not a tech & it’s over my head. I can PM you my WordPress cred's if you'd like to see it?

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday April 11, 2013 | Permalink
  22. ..or you can get my WordPress cred's from David?

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday April 15, 2013 | Permalink
  23. "The answer my friend.. is blowin' in the wind..". One month later and almost bankrupt, the answer MUST BE blowin' in the wind - cos it certainly ain't comin' from this Gravity Forms """Support""" team.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 1, 2013 | Permalink
  24. Again: Thanks so much GF support guys, for doing absolutely nothing here for me. Wow - me a paid user - waiting - waiting - waiting - waiting - waiting - months now - waiting - and I get jack * from you. Just SILENCE. Really - be thrilled with yourselves.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 22, 2013 | Permalink
  25. B.S.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday August 29, 2013 | Permalink
  26. @StuMur The support forums were closed and no longer used for support so any outstanding issues that you still have need to be addressed via the support ticket system.

    This was explained in detail on our blog here:

    It is also explained when you click on the Forums link in the navigation here:

    The change to the ticket system was precisely because managing support via a forum was simply unmanageable as our user base grew and led to some forum posts slipping through the cracks. This being one of them.

    This is why we use a ticket system now. Nothing falls through the cracks and requests are handled and resolved by our support team.

    The only reason why you are even able to reply to this forum post is because you were the original poster. New forum posts cannot be created, and users cannot reply to forum posts they did not create. The forums are actually about to be turned off completely. They will return in a non-support focused capacity at a later date.

    I will have someone on our support team A) create a ticket for your issue and B) reply to it so that you can be assisted. I am now closing this forum post.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday August 29, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.