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Unable to submit using enter/return key in masked field in Internet Explorer

  1. motto

    Submitting a form using the Enter or Return key on the keyboard doesn't work in Internet Explorer when the a field with a mask has focus.

    I have a form with two masked fields 'zipcode' and 'number' and a mask-free field 'numbersuffix', whenever I try to submit the form using the Enter key it only works when the focus/cursor is in the 'numbersuffix' field. It won't work when one of the masked fields has focus.

    The problem occurs on Internet Explorer 8 and 9, it might occur on other versions too, but I didn't test that.

    I might add that IE gives the 'doink' sound if you have sounds enable, when trying to submit the form this way.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday June 22, 2012 | Permalink
  2. storemachine

    Was there any resolution to this? I have the same problem in Chrome.. Masked input field cannot press enter to submit page/form....

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 3, 2013 | Permalink
  3. storemachine

    In case anyone wants the official response to this bug, this was the reply from the support ticket. Seems like they should post it here too but didnt.

    Jun 6
    Jun 6 3:28pm

    Rob Harrell replied

    Here were the results of our testing:

    Regular text fields do not go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Regular text fields do submit when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask do NOT go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask do NOT submit when pressing enter.

    Regular text fields do not go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Regular text fields do submit when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask DO go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask DO submit when pressing enter.

    Regular text fields do not go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Regular text fields do submit when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask do NOT go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask DO submit when pressing enter.

    Regular text fields do not go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Regular text fields do submit when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask do NOT go to Next page when pressing enter.
    Text fields with an input mask DO submit when pressing enter.

    It isn't consistent across the browsers. We do some logic catching on enter when there are input masks, so we will need to check this out further. We have added this to our to-do list, but I can't give you a definitive time of when this will be addressed as it isn't a critical issue as compared to what we are currently focusing efforts on. But it has been noted.


    Rob Harrell
    Gravity Forms

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    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 6, 2013 | Permalink
  4. motto

    storemachine, first of all I'm very sorry for not responding.

    The answer by Rob Harrell wasn't addressed to us, we never saw it at least, so thanks for showing us. Where exactly did you find this (URL)?

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday August 21, 2013 | Permalink
  5. Richard Vav

    If you still require assistance with this please open a new support ticket or a priority support ticket if you are a developer license holder. Thank you.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday August 27, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.