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1.5 Option Price Field update/focus issue

  1. Hi,

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to report a bug with the (GF 1.5, RC4.2) beta. I just downloaded the beta for the first time to see whats new.
    And you may be aware of the issue, but I thought since I ran into it, I should fyi you.

    Issue: Option Price fields not updating until focus leaves field

    Description: Testing the Pricing option field, I noticed that the price column fields auto format to the $99.99 format once focus leaves the field. If the user enters a value into that field and does not remove focus, that field will not be updated when user presses Update Form button.

    When I first was pricing the each of the 3 default options when you add the field onto the form, I actually was entering the $5.00 format because I was unaware that it would auto format. While previewing the form, I noticed the last option did not have a price. I went back again and entered the proper formatted amount, closed field, pressed Update Form button and again, update ignored. I quickly figured out what was going on. On the chance the option price field is the last field you enter before you update your form and you don't move focus away from that field, it will not be entered/updated once you press update form button.

    I hope my ramblings made sense.


    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 18, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Yes it makes sense, but that is how the auto-format works. It can't auto-format until it knows the user is done. It won't know the user is done until the field focus is changed. So it isn't a bug, it was designed to work that way. It auto-formats when the user has completed that field and losing focus is how it knows the user is done. The auto-format is primarily to make things visibly friendly and the form processing is not dependent upon that formatting.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 18, 2011 | Permalink
  3. From a behavioral point of view, you do not find it is a bug that a user can enter a value into the field, click the edit/close button on that field and the entry is lost as normal expected behavior? Focus does leave the field at the point the user clicks the close button. The user is done. If they were to re-click the edit button for that field, the focus is not in the field they last entered.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 18, 2011 | Permalink
  4. What close button are you referring to? I'm not following.

    Are you talking about the admin or the frontend form?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 18, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Admin, edit form. When you are editing the Pricing Options field and enter a value in the Price column for any of the options. It's basically the same as what we discussed, its because of the auto formatting.

    1. Add Pricing Option field to form. Click the Edit link.
    2. In Properties tab, in label field at end of the words "First Option" type a value like a "2" and click the Close link (collapse) the field editing, then click Edit again. Value remains.
    3. Try doing the same thing in the Price column and value disappears. Entering values in these fields requires an understanding that you need to click somewhere else before you have a successful entry.

    Again, I realize this is just the way it works for auto formatting, but from a user perspective, they are not going to immediately understand it requires different behavior of entry from all the other fields on the form because it just looks like a standard edit field. Without some UI indication (like a tiny check button showing up once an entry is made) or something to alert the user a different entry behavior is required for these fields, it will lead to entry mishaps. They likely won't discover the difference until they realize all their last entries in these fields didn't take. I only indicated it was a focus or UI bug sev-low annoyance, simply because it breaks away from the uniformity in behavior.

    I don't want to waste your time with this and if you have a better venue for me to report possible defects. let me know. I am not currently using 1.5 and was only bringing this to your attention as an FYI.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 18, 2011 | Permalink
  6. No, I appreciate you bringing it up. We can look into how we can handle this to improve upon the form editor UI. If not in the final 1.5 release then in a subsequent point release update. Thanks for the feedback!

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 18, 2011 | Permalink